Get Involved

IMG_0007Apart from submission of prayer requests, there are two major ways you can get involved in or become part of the ministry of the ‘Nations-Builder’ Intercession Network. You can become part of NBINet by:

1. Become A NBINet Intercessor

In fulfilling our given responsibilities of making intercession on behalf of individuals, families, the body of Christ and the nations of the world, we at NBINet interact with two major categories of people:

1. The Target – At NBINet, we use the words “The Target” for person or people who request prayer support; and
2. Intercessors – These are persons who have burden and are ready to intercede on qw of others, the church and the nations.

Do you feel concerned about the present situation of things in the lives of individuals and families around you, in the Body of Christ (Churches), and in the world at large?

And do you have a strong belief that there can still be solutions from God to all these negative situations in answers to a corporate believing prevailing prayer of believers like you? Then, you are the one (man) God is looking for— a man to stand in the gap between the living God and the fallen sinful, problematic world/mankind.

We, therefore, use this medium to let you know that both God and the entire ministry of the ‘Nations-Builder’ Intercession Network will be delighted to seeing you become one of the channels through which God will bring solutions to man’s present prevailing situations.

This is because we believe strongly that your coming in contact with this website and you reading this post now isn’t coincidence, but God’s arranged opportunity and avenue given to you to be able to fulfill one of the reasons for your existenc.

And we are glad to inform and encourage you that you’re privileged to become part of this God ordained network of global NBINet intercessors.

NBINet membership is opened to all believers from all bible believing Churches and Christian Organizations across the nations of the world. Which means you can be in any part of the world and become/be an active member (intercessor) of the ‘the ‘Nations-Builder’ Intercession Networ, once you understand and agree with the  NBINet Basic Principles  and Beliefs and have a burden and are willing and ready to be faithfully committed to praying  for others, local churches and Christian Organisations (the Body of Christ in general), and nations of the world.

To become part of this Commission, you can click here  to fill the ‘Join intercessors form’. Or mail: or send text message to/call, +2347033939500, +2348077377366, or +2348077065454.

We shall send you all you need to know about the NBINet and how you can become one of our intercessors and get fully involved.

2. Become A Supporter

Also, you can be part of this noble cause by supporting it financially and materially. This is because NBINet is supported by no private foundation, advertising, product sales or the like. Most of the financial and material supports the commission receives come from the partners and friends of the ministry like you.

So, you too can help us make a difference to the lives of individuals, families, churches, christian organisations, both spiritual and secular leaders and the nations of the world through the transforming power of prayer of intercession

Reasons For The Support:

The lists below are some of the reasons for which we receive financial and material supports:

 To fund the visitation of intercessor volunteers to mission fields

To facilitating intercessory rallies and meetings

To purchase office equipments, Public Address System, instrument of music etc

To funding special global outreaches through internet and web based applications and telecommunication technology to produce other innovative programmes like the Monthly Global Prayer Teleconference that mobilizes intercessors/believers locally and internationally to unite in prayer about a number of major global issues, including revival in nations, the persecuted church etc

For other outreaches planned, include free intercession-training webinars aimed at equipping and raising intercessors across the nations of the world.

Towards the building of a 24-hour ‘Global House of Prayer Centre’

Now, do you have a desire to be one of the channels through which God is touching lives and establishing His purposes in the affairs of mankind in this generation? Then, this is an opportunity to fulfill the desire.

To support the work of this Commission financially or/and materially pls, kindly fill the ‘Contact Us Web Form’ or mail: with your details or send text/call +2347033939500, +2348077377366, +2348097846090 or +2348077065454

We shall send you list of our needs and how to send your support.

May God bless you as you get involved in God’s purpose and plan for your time!